First of all, what does MEM mean? It is the acronym of the Latin sentence “Memento Mori”. Literally translated, it means “remember you have to die”. For our purposes, we mean it as an invitation for diners to try our simple cuisine. You must try the MEM plank before
leaving for the eternal life.
MEM is a restaurant where you can shop or a shop where you can eat.
Look at it from different points of view, but the essence does not change:
MEM is a place where you can eat well-made and seasoned food, enjoy an excellent homemade dessert, have a beer, a good glass of wine or
sample our liquor and cocktail selection. Everything you see around your table is for sale. At least, almost everything is for sale because there is an exception: the staff that works here is not for sale. Everything you see and like is the result of a search for unique pieces from around the world. Extravagant, fashionable items for the collector or connoisseur which are not easily found. Principally 100% original one of a kind “used” pieces.
Enjoy your visit and delight your view with what you find around you.
Enjoy your meal
The MEM team of Puerto Morelos